City of Grand Marais - Minnesota

USA Today's 2017 Best Midwestern Small Town, Budget Travel's 2015 Coolest Small Town in America & Lake Superior Magazine's 2015 Best Weekend Destination 


What is Sustainability

Sustainability is the intentional inclusion of economic, social, and environmental factors into the planning and development process. Through this lens, the city will take a three-pronged approach to carbon reduction to ensure that projects are economically viable, equitable, and environmentally effective. These three principles can be incorporated into all city programs, projects, and initiatives to strengthen the community and ensure prosperity for the next generation.     

Climate Action Plan

The City of Grand Marais recognizes the threats climate change poses to its residents and is committed to creating a more sustainable and resilient future. With the adoption of the Grand Marais Climate Action Plan and the addition of a sustainability coordinator, the city is taking steps to reduce its carbon footprint. The city is actively planning and implementing new policies and programs focused on building efficiency, electrification of heating and transportation, and decarbonization.

Local Sustainability Initiatives 

Energy EfficiencyBuilding Performance and Benchmarking

ElectrificationHeating, Appliances, and Electric Vehicles     

Decarbonization - Renewable Energy

Official Website for the City of Grand Marais, MN